If you have a problem opening the test or getting the test to function properly, make sure that your pop-up blocker is turned off and that you have flash installed on your computer.  If you still have a problem please see the attached ImPACT Troubleshooting document.  Remember you must enter customer code to initiate the test.

Please check and confirm that you have broadband, DSL or high speed internet connection before taking the ImPACT Test. It is not recommended that you take this test if you have dial up or another unstable internet connection; it could affect your results.

Please Note:

You will need the Adobe Flash Player Plugin to properly view this application. If you do not have this free plugin, please click on the icon below.

The ImPACT Test Requires a Customer Code for the Baseline Test. The Customer Code is only provided to organizations or athletes that have established a relationship with Access Sports Medicine & Orthopaedics for FREE Baseline Testing.

If you are interested in FREE Baseline testing through Access Sports Medicine & Orthopaedics or have misplaced your customer code please email or call 603-775-7575.